Awards Assemblies
At the end of each Semester we have a special Awards Assembly to present students with First in Class Awards and Merit Certificates. These are special days for our school, and parents and carers are always welcome. At other times during the year we have Special Assemblies with guest speakers and visitors. We also have Farewell and Presentation Assemblies for Years 10 & 12 at the end of the year and a Senior Induction Assembly at the beginning of the year.
A full school assembly is held every Wednesday. This assembly is to make students aware of special school matters and activities and to acknowledge student achievements in academic, sporting and cultural activities. The School Captains run these assemblies.
Reporting on Student Progress and Achievement
All students receive reports issued on the basis of their completion of course requirements and their achievement of learning outcomes. Students in Year 11 receive half-yearly and yearly reports.
Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 receive progress reports mid semester and an award at the end of each semester. Year 12 receive reports after the half yearly and Trial HSC exams. We are reporting at the end of Term 1 with a student profile of work habits and achievement. At the end of the Semester the reports have a comment and a rating given on particular topics (outcomes) for the subject.
The method of assessment varies between subjects and details of assessment programs are issued for each course. Students who are causing teachers serious concern about lack of progress receive a warning letter home to their parent or carer.
Interim Reports/ Notes home
On occasions, misbehaviour by a pupil at school or at home may be a sign of a deeper problem. This may be referred to the Year Adviser for the circulation of an Interim Progress Report. The result of this will be conveyed to the parent/caregiver. Parents are encouraged to work closely with our Student Advisers, Deputy Principal and Counsellor, particularly if they have any concerns about their child. Please let us know also if there are any problems they are having that may affect their life at school.
Letters of Concern
Teachers, at times, express concern about a lack of progress and application to work by some students. Where necessary letters of concern will be sent to parents at the end of first term and third term or at other times when there is serious concern. We ask parents to join with us to encourage students to increase their work effort if you receive one of these letters, and contact the school to talk to the teacher concerned or to the Year Adviser.
Parent Interviews
This school operates an "open door'" policy. Interviews with teachers can be arranged by phoning 66321300 to make an appointment. You are also welcome to contact the school by coming to the Front Office or sending a note with your student. We are always happy to meet you and discuss progress of students.
Parent/Teacher/Pupil meetings
The school has some formally organised Parent/Teacher Meetings scheduled each year. These are scheduled early Term 1 for Years 7 and 12 and early Terms 2 and 4 for ALL Years. These are a very good chance for you to talk to the teachers and find out how your student is progressing at school. Even if your child has had an excellent report it is worthwhile for you to come and talk to the teachers and exchange information.
You can book an interview at a time that suits you or just come along on the afternoon. If you will be later than 5pm, we appreciate if you make an appointment. The afternoons are advertised in the School Newsletter.
School Newsletter
Our Newsletter is issued fortnightly, to each student. It contains news on policy, students, current events, meetings, administrative matters, community news and announcements
and features of general interest. Students and community members are invited to submit articles and notices for publication in our Newsletter. Each week the coming events are published on the front page of the newsletter.
Please ask them for your copy each week as this is an important way the school communicates with parents, carers and the students. Newsletters are also left at Gateway Office Supplies and Kyogle Newsagency for community members to collect and read. Also watch the school noticeboard for events and happenings.
Use of School Facilities
Use of school facilities for educational or other community purposes is encouraged. Organisations seeking to use the school facilities should contact the Office for an application form. Costs of hiring facilities are available from the Office or may be negotiated with the Principal.
Smoking is not permitted on the school premises.
Parent Involvement
Parents and caregivers are welcome to visit the school at any time. If you wish to speak to a particular staff member please phone or visit the school and make an appointment.
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to become involved in all school activities: P & C, Canteen, Parent/Teacher Meetings, Open Days, Musical Productions, Policy Making Committees, Curriculum Development Committees, and Staff Development Days. There is also the option of doing volunteer work in the library and also joining the group of parents and community members who volunteer as reader /writers for students who need help with exams.
The school canteen is operated by volunteers. Not only does the canteen provide a valuable service it is also provides resources for the school.
The efforts of all volunteers is greatly appreciated,and most of the students do like to see their parents or carers at school, either volunteering, in the canteen, at carnivals or in other ways you feel you can help or join in.
If you have a special skill or talent that you would like to share with students or volunteer to help with at working bees we would be pleased to hear from you.
P&C Association
The P&C Association meets on the third Thursday of each month in the Staff Common Room at 5.30pm. The association takes part in the decision making processes relating to all aspects of the school, as well as being a place where parents and carers can voice any concerns they have. The P&C runs the School Canteen and also helps with school functions and fund raising. The P&C also invites speakers to discuss with members matters of special interest to parents of teenagers.
Successful education of students in the 21st Century demands a partnership - teachers, students and parents working together. The P&C invites all parents and carers to participate and become financial and active members of Kyogle High's Parents and Citizens Association. We have a strong level of membership at a cost of $3.00 per person.
A large representative membership is going to make the P&C more effective in its requests to governments on behalf of Kyogle High. At the same time your attendance at meetings is very much appreciated as many important school matters are discussed and we like to know we have a representative view of parents involved in decisions.
The P&C has put large amounts of money into Kyogle High. Some examples include shade areas, outdoor seating for students, lockers, library security and books. They also pay Ambulance Subscriptions and for many student prizes
Other goals are to continue ground improvements, undertake canteen improvements and provide for student activities and special programs.
Please fill in the membership slip enclosed in the enrolment pack and send it to Kyogle High, with the fee or pay with other School Fees.
The atmosphere at P&C meetings is very friendly and productive - boring meetings simply do not occur here. Whenever possible the P&C meetings are held on social nights and the venue is changed to the school Library.
Canteen Committee
The Kyogle High School Canteen Committee would like to welcome you as part of the school community, and to give you some information about the operation of our school canteen.
The canteen is a valuable service provided for our students and teachers, and provides a great deal of the funds raised by the P&C each year, which in turn provides some things, which may not otherwise have been available, to enhance the school and it's environment for our children.
In order for our canteen to operate successfully and efficiently, our permanent staff member, Faye Rose, needs at least two volunteers daily. This is the minimum number of helpers she needs to achieve this. At the moment, we are severely lacking in numbers to run the canteen. The normal canteen volunteer works one day per month, from about 9.15 am until 2.00 pm. We are interested in hearing from anyone who can manage to spare one day per month to help keep this service for Kyogle High School viable and efficient.
Please call Faye on 02 6632 1300 and indicate your availability. At the moment the canteen needs more people just to be operating with the minimum numbers of helpers.
We would also like to hear from you if you are available to be on call for those months with a fifth week, even if it is on an occasional basis. Faye will ring you to confirm your day.
Volunteering in the canteen is an extremely pleasant experience, with something for everyone. Not everyone is comfortable with giving change for instance (there are lots of us), so you can choose some other job. You can choose to work a day with someone from your area, and share the ride to the canteen. A lot of us who currently volunteer also do paid work, and find the canteen a rewarding, interesting and informative experience, which is a bit different from our day-to-day environment.
Please consider helping out in the canteen, we're a friendly bunch, and we would love to meet and work with some new faces. It's a great way to get to know what goes on at school!
If you require any further information, please contact Faye 6632 1300 at school or 6636 2217 at home.
Learning tips
Literacy and numeracy skills are two of the main focuses that schools concentrate on developing in students. Literacy is being able to use written or spoken language in the ways that it is needed. An example is that you would write in a different way if you were writing a business letter to the way you would write a postcard to a friend.
At school students use different text types (or ways of writing) for different needs. Some of these are given below for the subject of English.
Students READ and WRITE …
- Narratives are texts that entertain such as novels, short stories and legends.
- Descriptions or procedures are texts that instruct someone on how to do something, such as a set of directions on how to get to the Eiffel tower.
- Recounts are texts that retell a series of events, such as letters, diaries, and biographies.
- Responses are texts that describe and talk about their feelings towards a piece of work such as reviews of books or films.
- Expositions are texts that persuade by arguing one side of the issue, such as letters to the editor and debates.
Some sources of Literacy material that are used at school are novels, reference books, plays, instructions, designs and plans, Internet Web sites, videos, poetry and many others.
How can you support your child's learning at home?
Helping with homework
- Show interest in your child's homework
- Ensure there is a time & place set aside for homework
- What is the task?
(eg. writing a report, delivering a speech, revision, assignment) - How is it to be presented?
(eg. in your book, on cardboard, on a computer disk) - When is it due?
- What has to be done? How long will it take?
- What resources are needed?
(eg. dictionary, atlas, a trip to the library)
- Read some of the reference material together
- Talk about the information in graphs, diagrams & pictures
- Find the meaning of words & investigate spelling together
- Help your child to write for the purpose of the given task
- Praise you child's work
Encouraging better writing
- Read & talk about writing tasks your child brings home from school
- Ask if you can read your child's writing
- Comment on the positive aspects of their writing
- Make writing notes, letters, messages, lists, etc, a normal part of family life
- Talk about how & why particular things are written like letters, recipes, newspaper articles
- Play word games like Boggle, Scrabble, Scattergories & Crosswords / Find-a-words to develop spelling & vocabulary
- Encourage your child to find out the correct spellings of words with spell checks & dictionaries