Kyogle High School

Here to Learn, Here to Lead.

Telephone02 6632 1300


Organisation of the School Day

The school is organised on the basis of a 2 Week cycle, week A and week B. Thus we have Monday A, Tuesday A etc.

Wednesday is Sport Day. It is also the preferred day for senior seminars, excursions and tutorials.

Each day starts with Mentor Group, and has 5 periods with Lunch 1 and Lunch 2. 

The year is divided into two semesters, Terms 1 & 2 being Semester 1 and Terms 3 & 4, Semester 2. 


Students are issued with a timetable in the first week of each semester. Timetables may be laminated at the office (or replaced if needed) for a cost of 50c. 

How to read a Timetable


Check day of cycle, period of day, code for subject, name of teacher and room number.

Look at Period 5, Tuesday, Week 1
Subject  – English         Teacher – M Martin          Room  3