Kyogle High School

Here to Learn, Here to Lead.

Telephone02 6632 1300

Rules and policies

Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.

Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.

Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.

Attendance and absences

Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.

In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent.

Young people below the age of 17 who have completed Year 10 must be:

  • in school, or registered for home schooling 

  • in approved education or training, such as a traineeship, apprenticeship or TAFE

  • in full-time paid employment (average 25 hours a week) 

  • in a combination of work, education and/or training (average of 25 hours a week combined).

Students 17 years and over who are enrolled in school must attend school regularly to meet HSC course requirements. 

As a parent or carer, you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school every day when they are of compulsory school age. You must explain all absences to the school within 7 days.

For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:

Attendance and Absentee notes

Coming to school every day is most important for students to achieve their best. They need to attend so they can continue to develop their learning skills and not miss out on lessons, practical activities and tests.

Coming to school every day helps with becoming involved with the cultural side of school life as well as developing friendships. A child who does not attend school regularly is considered "at risk".

If students are absent during Roll Call an SMS message will be sent to the nominated contact. The parent/caregiver can answer this SMS message with a reason for absence. 

Absences can also be explained by sending an email or note handed in to the Front Office. If a students is absent for more than three days or you know that they will be, you should let the school know as soon as possible.

Absences must be explained within 7 days of the occurrence. The Principal may then approve the absence.

Teachers check attendance during the school day. Cases of partial truancy (skipping periods or ‘wagging it') are usually notified to parents and lead to disciplinary action at the school. The school keeps a record of partial absences.

Regular attendance is a legal requirement for any student under the age of 17. Students put their School Certificate or Higher School Certificate at great risk if they are away for more than 15% of available school time. This includes sports afternoon. Austudy or equivalent depends on attendance and the school is required to give information about student attendance to District Office.

Late / Leave Passes

Students arriving late to school must sign in and obtain a late pass from the Office.

Any student who needs to leave the school during normal school time can obtain a Leave Pass by presenting a note signed by a parent or carer to the Front Office before school or during recess. 

School frameworks (school rules)

As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.

Student information

Student Welfare & Discipline Policy (Partial)

Students in NSW government schools are provided with a high quality education so that they may learn to the best of their ability and become self-disciplined, tolerant, enterprising and contributing members of the school and community.

Core rules for student behaviour have been developed to establish consistent expectations in all government schools in support of these aims.

These rules are based on our core values of integrity, excellence, respect, responsibility, cooperation, participation, care, fairness and democracy.

Kyogle High School's "Student Welfare and Discipline Policy" aims to promote the highest standards of behaviour and learning in our schools.

The core rules:

All students in NSW government schools are expected to:

  • Attend every school day, unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time and prepared to learn
  • Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school's uniform or dress code policy.
  • Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when travelling to and from school.
  • Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers, including following class rules, speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning activities.
  • Treat one another with dignity and respect.
  • Care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.

Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social behaviour of any kind, will not be tolerated.

Kyogle High School has developed a Student Welfare and Discipline Policy so that students, teachers, parents, carers and members of the wider community can have a shared understanding of what the school values in areas of welfare and discipline.

The Student Welfare and Discipline program is implemented both inside and outside the classroom.

For this to occur, Kyogle High School needs to be a place where every student can learn and grow with confidence. Students develop best in schools where teaching and learning occur in a context of student welfare.

The Kyogle High School Welfare and Discipline Policy aims to be:

  • Clear, easily understood, fair and consistent
  • Accepted by the whole community
  • Used to promote achievement and positive relationships
  • Used to promote good discipline and effective learning
  • Used as a strategy to deal with unacceptable behaviour.

Accepted Standards of Behaviour

To ensure a safe and positive environment in the school, it is essential that students, teachers and parents value and uphold accepted standards of behaviour in an environment of mutual respect. Whilst students must appreciate the needs of other students and staff they also have the right to expect courtesy, fairness and respect from others. Outlines of student expectations regarding standards and rules are easily accessible.

To achieve and maintain the standards of behaviour outlined in the Core Rules together with the normal standards of the community it is expected that students will:

Within the Classroom:

  • Respect the right of the teacher to teach
  • Respect the right of students to learn
  • Behave in a safe manner
  • Adhere to the classroom rules

In the Playground:

  • act in a manner that ensures the safety of all members of the school community
  • adhere to the requests of all staff and others in authority
  • respect the rights of other students within the playground
  • remain within the designated boundaries of the playground
  • be responsible for keeping the school grounds tidy

On Excursions / Sporting Activities / Out of School Events:

  • adhere to the standards of dress determined by the organiser of the event
  • act in a manner that maintains a sound reputation for the school
  • adhere to the requests of all staff and others in authority
  • respect the rights of the other students and the public
  • Approval to attend extra curricula excursions will be based on acceptable behaviour at school. The final approval will be obtained from the Principal/Deputy Principal/Year Advisor

In General:

  • attend school punctually and regularly
  • complete all set homework and assignments to an acceptable standard.
  • adhere to the set standard of dress determined by the school community
  • adhere to an acceptable standard of behaviour to and from school
  • not use or be in possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco or weapons
  • respect and protect school, community and private property

Success in meeting these expectations will promote a safe and positive school environment.

Strategies to Promote Good Discipline and Effective Learning

Kyogle High School is committed to:

Providing a stimulating and secure learning environment by:

  • ensuring classroom activities are appropriate to each student's level of ability and interest
  • ensuring that all student effort is valued
  • encouraging a positive classroom environment eg camps
  • showing students respect and expecting students to respect the rights of others

Encouraging a positive home-school relationship through:

  • discussing when appropriate with parents and students their roles in promoting acceptable student behaviour
  • providing opportunities for two way communication between parents and the school in the form of interviews, information nights and the P&C
  • inviting community involvement in decision making on committees, P&C and in other capacities deemed appropriate in the school
  • valuing the cultural backgrounds of students

Catering for the interests, needs and attitudes of individual students by:

  • providing a diverse range of opportunities and resources throughout the school
  • teacher assessment and planning which caters for the needs and learning styles of individual students within each class
  • providing appropriate support programs and personnel eg. School Counsellor, Student Support Disability (STD), Support Teacher Learning (S.T.L.), Integration Support, Gifted And Talented Students (G.A.T.S.) programs, Leadership Programs, buddy system, mentor program and time out program
  • Using anti Bullying and Harassment policy and procedures where appropriate

Clearly establishing and communicating expectations through:

  • parent meetings, newsletters and policy documents
  • roles and responsibilities being clearly established and adhered to in the classroom
  • our staged system of behaviour management
  • rewarding and valuing student effort and success

Providing programs that develop self discipline, self esteem, self evaluation and communication by:

  • accepting the notion that making mistakes is a normal part of learning and encouraging students to accept this on their way to achieving their goals
  • developing in students the skills to take responsibility for their actions through the use of such strategies as restitution and mediation
  • including classroom and group learning experiences such as Peer Support, Peer Mediation, Anti bullying workshops and other Personal Development lessons and programs e.g Love Bites, RRISK, Crossroads

Celebrating Achievement

Awards aim to encourage all students to achieve and develop a sense of pride in their achievements.

  • Meritorious classroom work.

Merit awards (Green) are given by the teacher for meritorious achievement in the classroom, sporting or school community.

Three Merit Awards lead to a Bronze award.

Three Bronze Awards lead to a Silver Award

Three Silver Awards lead to a Gold Award

Three Gold Awards lead to a Platinum Award

  • Faculties set targets of classroom merit awards to be handed out weekly
  • Regularly advertise the merit system in classrooms, assemblies, newsletters etc
  • Yr 7 & 8 Letters of Commendation home.
  • Attendance Awards given to students who attend 100% each term. Students will be entered into a raffle that is held each semester to encourage high attendance.
  • Winz awards are given by a teacher for daily classroom achievement. Two Winz awards are drawn at the weekly assembly, the prize being a canteen voucher.
  • Progress reports recognising learning and study habits are issued mid-semester.
  • Academic reports recognising learning achievement and study habits are issued at the end of each Semester. The best performing students are recognised in an Awards assembly each semester. Awards recognising conduct and attendance are also issued at this assembly.
  • Australian Qualification Training awards are issued by private trainers and the Board of studies on completion of short training programs or school or TAFE VET programs.
  • School Service certificates are issued to students who participate in extracurricular school and community activities. Student achievements are recognised on school assemblies.
  • Students completing Work Experience/Placement are issued with Employer Reports.
  • Student participation in Local Regional, State and National competitions are issued at school assemblies.
  • The Planning Room holds semester assemblies and recognises exemplary and improved conduct with awardees being given incentive rewards.
  • Year 10 and 12 are recognised with Citizenship, Academic, Training and Indigenous Awards. In Year 10 these awards are presented at the Year 10 School Certificate Assembly. In Year 12 the Awards are presented to students at the Year 12 formal. Parents and community representatives are presenters and participants in the Award ceremonies.
  • Website highlights achievements of students and hosts policy.
  • Use of diaries to contact and parents/carers and congratulate students

School Counsellor

The School Counsellor is an integral part of the school's student welfare network. All  of the available Counsellors are able to provide a broad range of services to schools in the areas of assessment, counselling, consultancy, developing preventative programs, liaising with other agencies and researching.

The Counsellor can be contacted by parents or carers by phoning the school (6632 1300) and asking office staff for an appointment. Students can make appointments at school to see a Counsellor on their own or in groups, in privacy and with confidentiality. Teachers may also refer students to the Counsellor.


All students are expected to continue school work at home to further develop their learning. Homework may include:

  • written homework (completion of classwork, research assignments, assessment tasks etc).
  • revision of lessons done during the day.
  • preparation for future lessons by reading.
  • self-directed study.
  • learning work for tests/exams.

All students need to realise that there is always homework to be done. Parents and carers play a very important role in the educational success of students by discussing their learning and homework with them.

Importance of a School Diary

Students are encouraged to purchase a diary at the commencement of the school year. Students should use these diaries to write down homework, assignments and activities that they need to do. To use the diary, write in the day that you were given the work, and also write it down again on the day it is due.

Bicycles and skateboards

Pupils aren't allowed to ride bicycles in the School grounds at any time. Bicycles should be locked and left in the space provided near the Hall and skateboards should be handed to the Front Office.

Students only go to their bikes at the end of the day. The borrowing or lending of bicycles is prohibited. Remember when you are riding to and from school, you must wear a helmet and observe the road safety and traffic rules.

Care of Valuables

Carry all money and valuables with you. Don't leave such things unattended in bags. The School Office Staff or the Deputy Principal will look after valuables for students. If you must carry a lot of money to school leave it at the Office for safekeeping. It is particularly important not to leave keycards, bankbooks or drivers' licences in unattended school bags. Take wallets into Science Laboratories, the Library and other rooms when bags are left outside. The teacher will have a place for them to be kept safely during the lesson. This is particularly important in PE and Sport.

Lost Property

Lost property enquiries can be directed to the TAS Assistant, the School Office staff in the Front Office and the Deputy Principal, in that order. All school clothing should be clearly named by a label or quality marking pen.

Sick Pupils / First Aid

If a student is feeling sick they should get a note from their teacher to see our first aid officers in the Front Office.  We have a Girls and Boys Clinic and will arrange medical or first aid assistance with the Ambulance, the Hospital or phone you to collect your child. Students who are ill before school should not come to school that day.

School Supervision

Students should not arrive at school before 8.30am. A member of the school executive is available for "ON CALL" supervision from 8.30am to 9.00am. Students cannot remain on the school grounds when school finishes unless a teacher supervises them. Students are not permitted in the school grounds during weekends or holidays, except for activities approved by the Principal.

Bus travellers

Bus travellers should be on their best behaviour at all times. The school and the bus company will take disciplinary action in the case of misbehaviour. This may include exclusion from the bus, and transport will then be the responsibility of the parent/carer. The buses leave from the George Street bus bay and students are supervised until the last bus goes at 3.50pm.

Messages to and from students

For the safety of our students, if a student needs to leave early from school and you are unable to collect your student from the Front Office, parents/carers are required to send an email or handwritten note stating the time and the reason why the student needs to leave early. This will be reviewed by the Deputy Principal.

Please do not ring or email the Front Office after 3:15pm to get a message to your student as we cannot guarantee they will get it before the bell goes at end of the school day.

The school will allow students to make local telephone calls for emergencies. Those of a social nature or from friends are not the responsibility of the school.

Mobile Phones

Many students are now bringing their Mobile Phones to school, particularly for use when they have after school activities.There are two problems with this, that of security and of the disruption a phone call can cause in class or the playground. If phones are on in class it disrupts the class from learning and causes distractions to students.

Students should not bring their phones to school unless they really need them for after school activities. If they do have them they must be turned off and locked in their YONDR pouch. Parents should ring the school if they need to send a message to their child.


Entering School Buildings

Students should not enter school buildings before school, at lunchtime or at recess unless they are going to the office or seeing a teacher. Students aren't allowed to enter any staffroom unless they are with a teacher. Only senior students (Years 11 and 12) can enter or leave School by the way of the main entrance. Access to the Hall is NOT through the Office building.

Mentor- KHS Lighthouse Mentoring Program 

Where each student is known, valued and cared for.

The aim of the KHS Lighthouse Mentoring Program is to embed processes that allow for increased contact time between a significant adult (lighthouse mentor) and individual students to improve learning behaviours, motivation to learn, improve attendance and a decrease in student management issues. It occurs in combination with Roll Marking and school messages at the beginning of each day. 

Flood Procedures

During times of flood students sometimes need to leave school very quickly on their buses, if that is their usual way of travelling to school. If you want your student to have a change of routine during times of flood please make your student aware of the changes and notify the school by note. If there is a change of routine on the day please let us know as soon as possible as sometimes the buses leave quite early.

Aerosol Deoderants

These can pose dangers in the school community and are a banned item that will be confiscated by staff. They can be ignited and cause serious damage and some individuals have severe allergies to them. We ask support in not bringing them to school.

Energy Drinks

These are not in line with NSW DET Healthy Eating policy and are not allowed at school.