The Front Office
Our friendly administrative staff are your first point of contact with the school. The office staff will help you with any enquiries about the school, to make appointments, to make payments and send messages to students and staff when necessary.
In the interest of student and staff safety, it is important that all parents and visitors present to the Front Office before going elsewhere in the school. The exception to this are the canteen volunteers. We have a legal requirement to approve all visitors to Kyogle High School.
Student records are keptĀ by our administrative staff. If there are any changes to your address, contact phone numbers, email, health issues etc please inform the Front Office as soon as possible.
The Front Office hours are between 8.00am and 4.00pm.
Student Assistance Scheme
Some funds are available for those who need assistance to provide uniforms, school equipment (books, pens, calculators etc) and elective subject costs. This is capped at 50%.
This money is made available through filling in an application form and leaving it for a small committee to consider and approve. You can ask at the School Office for a Student Assistance Form, which should be returned to the Office. All applications are managed in strict confidence.