Kyogle High School

Here to Learn, Here to Lead.

Telephone02 6632 1300

Student Activities



Excursions are a very important part of the curriculum and in some cases are almost essential (e.g. fieldwork in some subjects for the School Certificate and Higher School Certificate). Excursions allow students to study in real world situations and expand their horizons which is very important in today's complex society. Many of the excursions are to activities of cultural importance - musical performances, museums, plays, art exhibitions, dance and drama performances, etc.


Although less formal than classroom lessons, high standards of self-discipline and behaviour are expected.


Activities within 2 km of the school are considered to be normal class activities and the general parent permission note covers this.


If the cost of the excursion is difficult to meet, contact should be made with the school. If at all possible, a student will not be excluded from a day excursion because of inability to meet the cost. It is possible to arrange to pay off an excursion or to obtain financial assistance in some cases.


Major excursions are conducted for students in Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11. Money for school fees, excursions etc is collected by the Office before school, at recess and at lunchtime.